3DS MAX弯曲图形插件 Spiros V1.0 for 3DS MAX 2012 – 2018
Spiros可以在3DS MAX中制作各种弯曲状态的物体,比如佩戴的饰品、装饰品、铁制品、首饰、衣服饰品,从古代文化符号等
Spiros is a 3dsMax script for creating beautiful spirals, helices and torus knot splines, with mathematical precision.Make ornaments, decorations, ironwork designs, jewelry, cloth accessories, symbols from ancient cultures, tentacles, paths for animation / distribution / deformation, and a lot more.
3DS MAX 2012或者更高版本
将mzp文件拖到3DS MAX窗口即可安装
或者在顶部菜单Maxscript -> Run Script 也可以安装脚本